Online Drivers Education – Learn to Drive Online

Learning to drive is something that many people of all ages need to find a way to do. There are a couple of options for this; if you are young, you may need to take drivers education classes. If you are older, you may need to figure out how to drive on your own.

I believe that no one should learn to drive on their own. Online drivers education is available and can help anyone learn to drive online quickly and easily.

The reason why I think that online drivers education is so great is because the resources available are just as good, if not better than formal and more traditional classes with an instructor. Using an online program to learn how to drive is just like doing drivers ed, but at your own pace and time.

Most online drivers education programs will offer a variety of learning tools including videos, a drivers handbook, and tips for passing your test. The videos are what I believe can be the most effective learning tool because you can see exactly what needs to be done to do proper driving maneuvers.

Now, keep in mind that these online drivers education programs are not only for older people. I highly recommend them for teenagers who are looking to get their drivers license. Formal drivers education classes are great but they often do not give enough personal attention to each student.

Online drivers education is a great way to supplement a real drivers ed class and make the new driver even more prepared for their written and road tests.

In closing, if you are looking to learn to drive online and take the biggest step towards getting your drivers license, online drivers education may be a good fit for you.

50% of people fail their drivers test. Want to Learn to Drive Online and get a heads up on the test?

Online Educational Learning Trends Help Teachers and Parents

Supporting Teachers in the Classrooms to Make Schools Stronger and More Viable: Now, more than ever, teachers need parental support for their child in the classroom. No longer will teachers feel isolated in the classroom surrounded by a large group of challenging, inquisitive children with individual learning profiles and demanding instructional requirements. Teaching will cease to be dependent upon dated and often limiting curriculums purchased years back by local school districts and school boards. Schools will want to innovate through virtual online learning to ease multiple pressures.

Positive Parental Support Will Aid Teachers: Parents/legal guardians will advance to personally monitoring their child’s learning at all levels. This involvement will go beyond attending Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) meetings, engaging in annual fifteen-minute parent-teacher conferences, and dropping off cookies in the classroom for their child’s birthday celebration.

Parental/guardian participation will be in brief, pleasant, ongoing segments, both in and out of the classroom environment. Yet, sessions will be practical, tutorial, and non-disruptive to the daily instructional routine. In order to maintain classroom pace and momentum, volunteer parents can offer to assist quietly as tutorial help-mates creating a warm, friendly, classroom environment. Student learning pressure can be reduced in the new paradigm, because now each student has double the teaching attentive support.

The visiting parent/guardian will play an important instructional supportive role, but not in a supervisory, watchful mode. As helpful assistants, they can keep their student, or a small group of students, on task. They can help the uncertain student how to understand the assignment.

This type of parental supervisory support can reduce the need for paid para-professionals, offering the school district, charter, parochial, or private schools substantial economic savings, thus reducing fiscal and accountability pressure.

Educational Innovation is Now at Your Finger Tips: There will be additional options that will include classroom participation to support the teacher, classroom, and school by offering at-home supplemental practice with auxiliary online learning applications. The outside world’s open learning avenue is now accessible through the internet. Scientific innovation can now be easily located.

Key Trends:

Innovative online Blended Interactive Learning will replace traditional classroom curriculum methods in all subject matter. There are six key online blended learning models outlined by Michael Horn: online-driver,self-blend, online lab, flex mode, rotation, and face to face. (Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns. (2008). Christensen, Horn, and Johnson. McGraw Hill.)
Online customized earning will be automated. Teachers will not be required to learn curricula by studying laborious manual instructions. This approach has kept classroom instruction stagnant, because once teachers learned a particular methodology, they stayed with it. Subsequently, learning new methods and applying innovative materials was avoided.
Scientifically tested and tried online learning materials will be in demand, and rise to the top. Educational materials will be competitive for value-added benefits. Numerous companies, large and small, will compete for market share position.
Learning will become a standards and performance-based system. Each student will have their own learning profile established, becoming learner-centered, and performance based with the mastery of skills. Their learning styles will be identified and enhanced. All learners, at all paces and levels, will learn at higher rates, because the inter-works of learning will be better understood.
Parents will take a new interest and have a prominent role in their child’s customized learning process. Students moved through grades K-12, and graduating from high school non-proficient in basic skills will be greatly reduced.
Academic progress will be measured through repetitive testing as dictated by national and state guidelines with the Common Core State Standards Initiative, which provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn.
Classroom time will not be spent teaching “how to take the mandated state tests” by learning how to choose the correct multiple choice item. Alternatively, class time will not be a time-driven system, but will be garnered towards students learning basic skills in primary grades, and teaching advanced concepts through the grades leading to high school and beyond.
Program Content Developer of The Bridge To Achievement, Educational Consultant, Workshop Trainer at Mem-ExSpan, Inc.; Attended the University of Texas, the University of Iowa, and graduated with B.S. degree in Education from Drake University, majoring in Education, Speech-Drama, and English. Minored in Science and Social Science. Taught grades K-8 in seven Midwestern public school districts. Received a Masters Degree in Special Education – Learning Disabilities from the University of Kansas, and 1980 formed the non-profit 501 C3 Educational Media Therapy Consultants, Inc. This was later changed to Innovative Learning Systems, Inc., a national consulting group offering teacher and parent informative workshops and student scholarhships for cognitive skills retraining and Brain-Based Learning. Additionally, formed Mem-ExSpan, Inc. to develop educational cognitive skills retraining content through continuous classes to help individuals ages 9 to adult. Established thirteen national training-test sites, published and documented research from six experiments over five generational developmental levels. Five published longitudinal reports appeared in The Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching (JALT) with several demographic groups. See: my home page: Http:// and our nonprofit organization, Innovative Learning Stratagem’s “work in process for parents information”,

Select the Best Educational Learning Toys

Play is an essential part of childhood development, so it is important that parents choose toys that promote the learning and growth of their children. Toys should be age appropriate and encourage positive imaginative play. Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is that appropriate toys don’t have to cost a fortune, so no matter how big or small your budget is, you can find toys that will suit your child’s needs. While children need toys and play things for successful development, they are no substitute to the love and nurturing that only their loved ones can provide.

Best Infant and Toddler Toys

Teach and stimulate your babies and toddlers minds with toys that focus on cognitive thinking and motor skills. As babies, children use every part of their bodies to explore the world around them, which is why they are constantly sticking everything in their mouths! Help your child learn to use his or her body parts, recognize and control objects, sounds and tastes and more with developmentally appropriate toys such as mobiles, rattles and stuffed animals.

Toddlers are very active and begin to realize that they can communicate with others, which is why focusing on participatory skills is of utmost importance. Picture books with colorful symbols and make-believe educational kids games are great interactive activities for your child and you to enjoy together. Simple toys such as blocks, balls and even hats can inspire learning and imagination in your busy toddler.

Preschool Educational learning toys

By the time your baby reaches preschool he or she will have already learned a great deal about the world around them. While some youngsters have siblings that they interact with on a daily basis, others haven’t had a chance to spend lots of quality time interacting with peers, which is why preschool exposes children to a whole new world. Foster the skills that help them develop friendships by purchasing dramatic play items such as props for group play and educational kids games such as house or store.

Also, be sure to invite your child’s new friends over for play dates. These get togethers will further their understanding of friendships and social interactions, and when another mommy or daddy asks if your child can come over for a few hours you can catch up on some much needed rest.

The author recommends The Wishing Well Toy Company for educational learning toys [] that are thought provoking, engage children’s minds and encourages them to ask questions. The Wishing Well Toy Company in an online provider for developmental toys for babies [], toddlers and preschool age children.

Positive Work Habits Part VI – Pursue Ongoing Education & Learn From Your Mistakes

So many books, so little time. Are you feeling overwhelmed with too many opportunities for ongoing education? Learning how to determine what’s valuable and what’s not for our business advancement takes skills many of us have not acquired. We are not only bombarded by the latest book we have to read, or the newest business or personal growth seminar we have to attend, but we now have a plethora of electronic information to deal with. Websites, e-zines, and e-mails barrage our computer screen on a daily basis. Teleclasses, e-courses, and eBooks are offered from every electronic portal.

What’s a busy entrepreneur to do? If you’re like me, an entrepreneur involved in the personal growth industry, it seems pursuing an ongoing education comes with the territory. We all love to learn and there’s a wealth of great information and knowledge for us to absorb, but learning how to select what’s best is part of developing positive work habits. You need to put limits on your education time and balance it with the rest of your activities.

Are you using ongoing education as a form of procrastination? Many people wait to start their new business until they read one more book, or take one more course, or consider one more opportunity. Know yourself, your goals, and your skills, then just plunge in and make a choice. After all, education is an ongoing process we use to increase and improve our knowledge and skills, as well as to learn from our mistakes. So if you choose the “wrong” business, learn your lessons and move on. Or if you make mistakes as you’re learning your new business, learn from your mistakes, make the necessary adjustments, and move on.

What do Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, and Donald Trump all have in common? They’ve all declared bankruptcy at least once. Big mistake, you think? Can’t get much bigger? Yet, they all learned from their mistakes, bounced back, and become bigger than ever. And the bonus was, they now teach people how not to do what they did, and how to do it right! They all have highly successful educational enterprises-yes even “the Donald” has Trump University!

So how do you make the best selections for your ongoing education in the light of all the choices available? When you’re clear about your SMART goals, you’ll naturally make SMART choices about which educational opportunities fit with those goals-which books, which courses, which teachers will help you reach those goals. Learning new ideas and skills are exciting-just make sure you apply them to your business and life. Keep up your ongoing education and turn your mistakes into learning opportunities. Life is one long classroom.

With all the knowledge you have, you might want to give back. Learn how to help others achieve their goals and you will achieve yours.

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